Personalized Invisible Orthodontics | Level I
Learn about the tools to select a patient, diagnose, plan and develop invisible orthodontic treatments.

To promote solid diagnostic bases and starting points for practice with aligners, providing a verifiable, safe and replicable protocol.
It specifies how to select a patient, how to establish the diagnosis, assertively communicate the treatment objectives during the planning stage, as well as the execution of the treatment and its refinements.

Day 1
How to perform a WOW experience for each patient.
Clinic digital flow
The importance of the image study
My next investment: an intraoral scanner
The importance of becoming a B360 doctor
How do we stand out?
Discovering Cryst Aligner
Benefits for the patient between aligners and brackets
News in Cryst Aligner changes or a similar product (Borgatta)
New ongoing education programs
Why are they my allies during treatment?
Gallery and features
How are they placed?
Attachment synergy with the aligner
Achievable movements (as the deliverable)
Types of clamps and when to use them
Aligners and clamps practice
Aligner scope
Predictable movements
Movements with buttons and elastics
Practice with elastics
My first case
My learning curve
Clinical scopes of the Cryst Aligner packs
The key to success, how I select my case
Assertive communication to request planning
13 steps for a correct SmartCheck

Day 2
Solutions to solve class I with crowding
History and importance of the Bolton analysis
Black triangles
How to request while planning?
Losing the fear of execution
Basic concept
Types of expansion and limits by type of patient
Specific cases and personal protocol
First appointments
How to request while planning?
Losing the fear of execution
What should I consider?
How to use them for my goals
Learn from the best specialists in the area

Dental Surgeon at the Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla (UPAEP), Mexico
MSD Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Boston University, USA
Postgraduate in Orthodontics and Dental Sciences, Universidad Tecnológica de México (UNITEC)
Lingual Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Italy
Medical Director of SONRIS Center (Specialized Center for Invisible Orthodontics)
Send us your details and we will get in touch with you.