Personalized Invisible Orthodontics
Course | Level III
Learn how to diagnose and resolve complex cases: complete classes II and III, deep and cross bite, hand in hand with extractions or movement accelerators.

Learn how to diagnose and solve complex cases with specific strategies for each type of malocclusion: complete classes II and III, deep and cross bite, with the support of treatment assistants, extractions or movement accelerators.
Learn about the importance of the centric relationship and all the tips to request it properly during planning.

Day 1
Strategies for biomechanics III
Complete Class II
Features and components
What should I evaluate?
5 strategies for correction
4 supplements for treatment
Auxiliaries: orthoimplants with power arm, bite ramps, buttons and elastics
Utility arc
Premolar extractions
Motion accelerators
Clinical cases
My tips for planning
My personal protocol
Complete class III
Important aspects to consider
3 treatment strategies
Auxiliaries: orthoimplants with power arm, buttons and elastics
Extractions of an incisor
Extractions of an incisor
Non-surgical mild to moderate anterior cross bite correction
Clinical cases
Personal protocol
100% deep bites
Important aspects to consider
Smile types and lines
How to treat them?
Choice and location of microscrews and elastics
Clinical cases
Personal protocol
Sonrisa gingival
Aspectos importantes a considerar
Tipos y línea de la sonrisa
Pasos a seguir
Elección y ubicación de orthoimplantes y elásticos
Impactación maxilar
Antero rotación mandibular
Casos clínicos
Protocolo personal

Day 2
Cross bites
Predictability of expansion with aligners in cross bites
Classification of transversal problems
Differential diagnosis
Centric relation principles
How to register it?
Tips for taking images
Functional or skeletal cross bite
Favorable and unfavorable factors to consider
Expansion protocol
Advise on treatment
Clinical cases
My personal protocol
Canines included
Etiology and prevalence
Radiological prognosis
Measurements and analysis in panoramic radiography
Viability with CBCT
Auxiliary techniques (orthoimplants, buttons, elastics and leaf spring)
Clinical cases
All my tips
My personal protocol
Periodontal patients
Advantages of using aligners in periodontal patients
2 strategies for treatment:
Treatment accelerator
Modifications at half the speed of movements
Assessment with the periodontist
Correct selection of cases
Assessment of malocclusion
Patient commitments before starting treatment
Tips for planning
Number of attachments
Movements selection
Movements limitation
Clinical cases
My personal protocol
Get involved in the discussion of clinical cases with Dr. Isabel Vélez. Bring your patient's studies ready to start, outline the treatment objectives and the best way to carry them out or resolve your questions about a case in progress and make the best decision on how to finalize it.
Learn from the best specialists in the area

Dental Surgeon at the Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla (UPAEP), Mexico
MSD Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Boston University, USA
Postgraduate in Orthodontics and Dental Sciences, Universidad Tecnológica de México (UNITEC)
Lingual Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Italy
Medical Director of SONRIS Center (Specialized Center for Invisible Orthodontics)
Send us your details and we will get in touch with you.